Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How the Leaves Are Changing - World of Warcraft - Conquest is 4/8 Normal Day One!

Tuesday 11/29 - Day 1 of Patch 4.3, <Conquest> of US-Nerz'hul completed the first 4 bosses on 25-man difficulty. The raid was upbeat and showed much better progression then the last few weeks of Firelands we've been seeing. I think a lot of us were just burnt out on HM Firelands and needed something new to focus on. Congratulations guys, we have two more days to kill four more bosses and become 8/8 week 1!

Morchok <Harbinger of Destruction> Kill Shot

Look at the Tyrael Charger with his ass towards the camera, that's me, messing up the angle placement.

Warlord Zon'ozz Kill Shot
See the person on the left hand side still looting the boss, that's me... How do I keep messing up these pictures!

Yor'sahj the Unsleeping Kill Shot
See the Druid right under the Bubble on the left have side of the Earth Elemental? That's me! I got into the shot this time, still facing the wrong way though...
Hagara the Stormbinder Kill Shot
I am behind the Earth Elementals right armpit, I got in the shot and face the right way, then Archen fucked it up...
Good job Conquest! Thursday let's get some more kills so I can get into a decent kill shot photo!

If you would like to apply for a raid spot please do so at our Guild Website! We are currently recruiting DPS and Tanks for our 25-man progression raid team. We also have a 1600 Rated Battleground group looking for dps and healers if PvP is more your thing. We also have branches in Star Wars: The Old Republic, League of Legends, Battlefield 3 and more! So come check us out!

You can also follow me on Twitter at CQElaina!

Happy Patch 4.3 everyone and may all the bosses fall to your mighty swords (staffs or daggers or whatever you use).


  1. Oh man, I totally dig that you captured my green pony and me jumping in that last shot. NICE!
