Friday, March 9, 2012

Sunday Night Strolls - World of Warcraft - Heroic Yor'sahj Guide for Healers

Heroic Yor'sahj Kill Shot - I ran off to Hagara like a nub so I'm not in this one either.

<Conquest> of US-Ner'zhul (who is recruiting!) defeated Heroic Yor'sahj on 25-man last night only after about an hour of attempts. I feel like this fight is really interesting for healers because it, for the most part, centers around us and our ability to figure out what color combinations do what and how to handle them. This is important for all parts of the raid to handle however there is a major change in Heroic Mode that make the healers steal the show.

In Heroic Mode you have four summoned slimes instead of just three. And some combinations are worse than others. Normally, in Normal Mode you kill Purple on sight so you never see what it actually does. In Heroic mode Purple is much lower on the list and is rarely killed so you need to know what it does, since it is centered entirely around us.

The Purple Slimes give the entire raid a debuff. Whenever they receive a direct heal they gain 1 stack of Deep Corruption. When you reach 5 stacks that player will "blow up" and everyone around him will take 90,000 damage. This generally causes a wipe because you either can't heal everyone up in time because of the debuff based on the other slimes damage or multiple DPS die and you can't meet enrage timers/kill slimes fast enough. Here are some things you can do to survive Purple Slime and heal your raid to victory.

    • First things first: Divide Your Raid Into Groups - Have 1 Healer Per Group, When Purple Is Alive, Only Heal Your Group. This allows the lowest possibility of having purple explode the raid. If you have every healer just heals whoever is taking damage (like we usually do) then stacks are going everywhere and eventually someone with 4 stacks in going to take damage and people are going to heal them and people will explode, which causes more healing everywhere, which causes more explosions and a wipe. If you only heal your group then you know who has stacks and no one will receive more than 4 direct heals.
    • If Purple and Green Are Alive, Set Up World Markers, Have Your Group Go To the World Marker, Spread Around It - This helps a few things. First it makes it easier for people to find places to spread out. If you're running a 10 man guild you can skip this step because spreading out is easy. But if you're a 25-man you know having 25 people spread out 5 meters and still be able to hit the boss can be hard. So having 5 people spread around one World Marker will make that part of the equation much easier. It also helps so that all of the people in your group are in range of heals. If the group you are assigned too is all over the room and two of the are out of range, you're running around trying to find them to give them heals and you may get too close to someone and cause more healing for someone else. This is never good. Stick together, but not too close together.
    • Know What Spells Do and Do Not Give Stacks of Deep Corruption - This is obviously extremely important. If you Wild Growth or Tranquility during a Purple Slime you're going to kill everyone. You need to know whats safe to heal other groups with and what isn't. Druids aren't very lucky in this department, almost all of our heals give at least one stack.

        • Gives One Stack - Use These On Your Assigned Group
            • Rejuvenation gives 1 stack on cast (not per tick)
            • Regrowth gives 1 stack on cast (not per tick)
            • Swiftmend gives 1 stack (Efflorescence gives no stacks)
            • Lifebloom gives 1 stack per cast (not per stick, 3 stacks of LB will give 3 stacks of Deep Corruption, Bloom gives no stacks)
            • Nourish gives 1 stack
            • Healing Touch gives 1 stack 
        • Gives No Stacks
            • Efflorescence is our only heal that gives no stacks at all. So Swiftmend someone with low stacks to help with a raid heal.
        • DO NOT USE!!!
            • Wild Growth - You cannot control who this heals, it only gives 1 stack but you can't choose who those stacks go on. This can wipe a raid if it decides to heal someone with 4 stacks.
            • Tranquility - Every time it ticks it gives a stack, this will wipe a raid on a Purple Slime, you shouldn't need it for Purple phases anyway since it doesn't do any raid damage by itself.
            • Lifebloom - I would say it's better safe not to use this during Purple. You can use it if you're only going to put 1 stack on someone in your group but there are much better heals to use a stack on. Do NOT put this on a tank (unless that tank is in your group to heal, which he shouldn't be).
    • Put Deep Corruption Stack Icons on Grid/Healbot - I personally didn't do this because I could just remember who got what heals but some healers are officers or raid leaders and will need the help. Deep Corruption is the name of the debuff. This will add extra insight as to who should not be healed.
    • Watch Your Personal Debuff or Create a Power Aura - Know When It Refreshes - There are two separate debuffs. A timed debuff and a stacking debuff. When the timed debuff falls off everyone's stacks will reset back to zero. You have a clean slate to heal everyone to 4 stacks again. Look at your own debuff and notice when your own stacks fall off or when the timer starts back up. It will go through 2 full duration before falling off completely and you can heal freely.
    • Pre-Hot! - Cast Wild Growth before the Purple Slime is about to hit the boss. Give the current tank 3 full stacks of Lifebloom. And cast Rejuvenation on everyone in your group before the debuff comes up. This allows you to get as much healing as you can before you have to count your heals carefully!
Heroic Yor'sahj the Unsleeping is an extremely interesting fight for healers. Normally Heroic fights are "Oh my god, everything hits twice as hard and tanks have to to this and DPS has to attack these new adds but healers, your job is exactly the same, heal your heart out!". This fight gives us a chance to choose our heals extremely carefully based on an ever changing environment. If your healers are the backbone, here's their time to prove it! Have fun and may many bosses fall before your feet (or paws or hooves or whatever else you stand on!)

Twitter: @CQElaina
Youtube: /ElainaTV

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