Saturday, June 1, 2013

Monday Morning Musings - Star Wars: TOR - What Bioware Could Have Done Better With the Chevin Event


I completed the world event this week and I have to say that I was extremely disappointed. I loved the Rackghoul Plague World Event and it set a lot of expectations for the world events that they said they would be releasing in the future. There are a few things that made this world event not as exciting.

No World Bosses/Not Multiplayer Friendly

There was no community in this world event that I experienced. There were no world bosses you needed to complete, last world event you needed to kill the World Boss inside the World PvP area of Tatooine to receive a Codex entry that gave you the title of the event. This was before the server mergers and it was hard to get a group together for the boss and anytime you did there would be 5 or 6 of the other faction grieving you to the point where I wasn't even able to kill the boss. But it was still fun to have that World PvP that you don't really see in many games.

The event itself was not multiplayer friendly at all. None of the items that you needed to gather were in an instanced area and were out in the open world and some were even cross faction. This meant that 10+ people were trying to click on the same things and the only times that you grouped with people was to have a higher chance at clicking the items before anyone else. People didn't communicate with each other while in this group if they chose to get into the groups at all. In particular, the second days item (the Black-and-Orange sphere) was particularly annoying. You had 1 terminal that 20+ people were gathered around and we just stood there trying to click it before every other person there.

Very Little Play Time Required

SWTOR has been dipping in subscribers, that is no secret to anyone, and this world event didn't exactly take a lot of time to complete. Some people might call that an improvement but I actually kind of find it annoying to get onto a game, especially with a World Event going on, and spend 10 minutes in game to complete the days tasks and then be completely finished with everything required. I liked the time it took to do the Rackghoul Plague events, you spent a lot of time on the first day to complete the very first quest and then 30 minutes - 2 hours doing the dailies for the rest of the week; this not including the time it took to do the world bosses.

I imagine the World Event is something that Bioware was hoping would improve subscription sales for at least the month in which the World Event was taking place. I streamed every second of the World Event and it literally took me 4 hours to complete the entire thing. Someone watching my or anyone else's stream might look at that and say "is $15 really worth 4 hours of gameplay?" If I was someone not invested in SWTOR I would say no.

Rewards Aren't Entirely Worth It (IMO)

This time around we have a few different things in terms of rewards. You receive about 110 Tokens at the end of the event (this does not include any extra farming of the Smuggler Crates). And you can buy a few things with that.
  • Sand People Bloodguard Gear - Cosmetic Armor set that is a reskin of the Social Sand People gear. I have no idea what exactly Sand People has to do with this event at all. You never see a Sand Person, Sand People have nothing to do with Chevin's or the event, and you never set foot on Tatooine. I feel like they stuck this armor set on the vendor because they didn't have anything else to put there.
  • Legacy Non-Force User Weapon - All of my leveling characters are on a separate server. I had characters across a lot of different servers and my 50 main is alone on The Bastion because all the other servers sent my characters somewhere else. So these are completely useless to me personally. I also don't see much point in having a World Event reward things not for the character that did all the work to complete the event. I might be alone on this but when I'm done with event I want to show it off on my main, not use something on my alt that I will ultimately replace. And from what people are saying the items aren't even that well itemized. And the color crystals are yellow, so you can't even buy them for the cool color crystal.
  • Non-Combat Pet, the Lobelot - This pet is TWICE AS MUCH as the mount. 250 tokens are needed for this guy, by the time you farm all of those tokens from the Smuggler's Crates that have a 10 minute respawn timer and EVERYONE is looking for you might have found one inside the Crates themselves. They have a small drop chance so if you have anything else you want to buy, buy them first.
  • Speeder, Hyrotii Scapper -One of the quests requires you to ride a speeder to a broken down part of Nar Shaddaa to receive an item. It looks like a spare speeder you can drive around on Nar Shaddaa except one of the back lights is busted. You can buy this for 120 Tokens. I have no interest in mounts in this game because they are all just speeders. Let me ride a Bantha!
And the best part of all. The pet you receive at the end of the event for completing every quest is... a reskin of the pet everyone who is on a merged server before the automated server transfers and subsequent shut down of the downed servers got for free! That's right, anyone who transferred to their decided servers recently got a Non-Combat pet (kinda looks like an Akk Dog, can be seen in the above picture) in their in-game mail. The final quest at the end of the event gives you the exact same model except grey and not orange. So you do all of the work and get the same pet you got for free for transferring before they make you transfer.

I got the Sand People Bloodguard armor just so it could match the Imperial Containment Officer armor I got from the last World Event and plan to sell the rest of my tokens showing just how worthless they are to me personally. You also receive a title based on your faction and what choice you make at the end of the story line. Which brings me to my last point.

Story Left In A Cliff Hanger/Unexplained

This was something that ticked me off with the Rackghoul Plague event as well. SWTOR is such a story driven game and I hate it when a story is started and then the ending or the entire point is never explained. In the Rackghoul Plague I suppose the point was to find out what exactly started the plague outbreak (which you do find out through reading the Codex Entries you're given after the daily quests). But it is never explained how the plague is stopped, the event ended and the plague was just kind of gone.
The quests for the Chevin world event show your contact sending you on missions to tap into Chevin transmissions and you learn that the Chevin might not be entirely truthful and might be using the items you plan to give them for good. At the end of the event you can choose to give the items to the Chevin or keep them for your faction. It doesn't matter who you give them too, it never explains why the Chevin want the items for, what they end up using them for, or the whole point in the event in the first place.
Here, go collect a whole bunch of things, the people sending you to do this may or may not be completely shady. Oh, you got everything? Kay, thanks, bai! ... I hate that! I freakin' hate that! That's the second event where there's no explanation what-so-ever as to why exactly we're doing this or how it ends.


Needless to say... there were A LOT of things wrong with this event. The whole fun part of the Rackghoul event was that there were world events to do, world bosses to kill, just generally whole server fun that was kind of brought down by the fact that there was no one on the server to play with. The server mergers fixed a big part of that and then the world event that they release has nothing really to do with the world. It feels like everyone was on the same Single player quest and it was more annoying to have more people doing it because you had to wait around and try to be the fastest clicker in the group.

They took the WORLD out of the World Event this time around and they really need to fix that for the next one! I feel like they took 2 giant steps back with this event and I hope they get back on track for the next one.

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