Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How the Leaves Are Changing - General Gaming - How Do You Spend Your Days/Weeks In World of Warcraft?

Now that summer is upon us and a lot of people are on their summer break, including me, there will be a lot more hours clocked weekly into World of Warcraft. Currently, WoW is the only MMO I play strictly except for a day or two every little bit that I dabble into Rift. Needless to say, I am definitely in the top one percent of people who play more than 10 hours a week. I've played so much over the past several years that I've developed a bit of a routine that leaves my OCD a little bit crazy if I don't keep up to it.

Every morning (or late afternoon, depending on my sleep schedule) I wake up and I pour myself a big glass of orange juice or have myself a bowl of cereal and start the day by reading WoW Insider articles, MMO Champion or other blogs posts from the day prior. Unless something like Patch Notes for a PTR get released or any other huge news I generally wait and read everything all at once. This is where most of my ideas for my blog article topics come from as this wakes me up and gets my brain working. Then it's time to log in (or start writing an article if it's maintenance Tuesday!).

The first thing I do when I log in is go and do my dailies! Now that the expansion is nearly over and most of my reputations are maxxed there aren't many dailies I have to do anymore. When the expansion first came out dailies took up most of the day (4+ hours on an undergeared Boomkin) but now with Operation: Shieldwall being my final Reputation I need to complete for MoP, dailies don't take up very much time. Argent Tournament Dailies are the only other dailies that I complete from old content as I am working on a tabard for a really awesome Druid of the Argent Dawn transmog set that is centered around the Argent Crusader's Tabard! Then it's time to fly over to my tranquil little farm and collect my catch for the day. Now that I have over 700 White Turnips sitting in my guild bank I have started growing Razorleaf Plants for nearly three stacks of Leather a day. After that I generally log into my bank/auction house toon and collect money or repost down auctions. After all of that is completed if I don't have anywhere to be that day I switch into my weekly schedule. With so much to do in WoW even now I like to keep myself to a schedule of things to do every day instead of spending 1 or 2 on each task I could be doing. I feel if I try to do all of the things I want to do in one day I end up forgetting something completely.

Tuesday - Throne of Thunder LFR/Prepare For Raid Day

Out of all of my days, oddly enough Tuesday is generally my slow night in terms of days I raid. Tuesday is widely known as progression night for normal/hardmode guilds so the least amount of bosses (depending on how far into progression you are, sometimes it's Wednesday) are killed. This is the day where I generally take my main through Throne of Thunder on LFR difficulty. I find that if I try to do ToT later in the week I'm burnt out from progression raiding and I just don't have the mental fortitude to get through all 12 bosses. So I get it out of the way on my main first thing in the week. As a 520 equipped Resto Druid some would ask why I bother to do LFR at all as I don't have any upgrades inside of the instance. The simple answer is I'm an Enchanter and LFR is the only good income of Sha Crystals, Blood and Haunting Spirits and I need to catch up on the Legendary quest chain. I end up doing all LFRs on my Druid for enchanting materials or an extra few chances at Secrets (and soon to come Runestones). Once LFR is completed I generally go and try to farm Crab Meat for my Spirit Food since the Pandaran Feasts still give Intellect and not Spirit to Healers. I still have to go and not only farm meat from Crabs but I also have to fish for my food but also for Iron Paw tokens to complete the meal. I generally just fish up Emperor Salmon in the long river in Valley of the Four Winds. This is how most of my day is spent as I try to do enough for the week. Any other time I have during or after raid is generally spent helping other people in guild do Heroic Scenarios or complete steps of their Legendary.

Wednesday - Heart of Fear LFR/Horde PvP Day

I try to split up the separate instances in LFR as to not increase old content burn out rate. I do the old LFRs strictly for the Sha Crystals and am sure to have 20 Greater Charms of Fortune so I can roll on every boss for maximum gold/gear outcome. Once Heart of Fear is completed I head over to the other side with WoWMartiean and the Trauma II crew and work on my other main. I have an absolute blast with Holy Paladin PvP and have been working slowly on this girl. I've recently been doing PuG Arenas from trade chat and have been marginally successful getting her Conquest Weapon, Shield and PvP Trinket. She only has a few PvE pieces to complete before I will feel comfortable enough to bring her to PuG Rated Battlegrounds. Once I'm fully geared I work for PvP achievements. I completed my Warsong Gultch Battlemaster achievement after finally getting Ironman a few weeks ago so completing the other Battlemaster Achievements are the primary objectives for my day on Wednesday!

Thursday - Rest of LFR, Achievements and Rep Work Day

I wrap up my Raid week with a bit of a Rest Day by completing Mogu'shan Vaults and Terrace of the Endless Spring on LFR and doing some Achievements and working on a Reputation from old content. I'm currently working on Loremaster for my Druid as the main achievement that I'm working towards as I like to go after achievements that have rewards like mounts, titles or tabards. I also try to work on old reputations for the same reason. Most of the mounts that I'm missing come from Reputations that I haven't completely gotten to Exalted yet. I tend to work from Classic Reputations and work my way up as those are the ones that are the more difficult to get. This is one of my two pretty laid back days as it is also farm day for our guild.

Friday - Lazy Friday 

This is the day after a long week of Raiding and this is my Free Day. I basically do whatever I want on this day of the week. Honestly, most of it is sitting in Shrine posting links of my professions as I wait for Call to Arms Tank Bags to proc in LFG. This is also generally when most of my posts are written incase there's only a realm restart and it's immediately back to the grindstone. This is also the day I actually leave my house and go and have a nice dinner because there's a 99% chance that the last three days I swallowed a small dinner whole inbetween trash pulls since I raid 8-11pm.

Saturday - Old Dungeon Run Day
Definitely one of my favorite days of the week is Saturday where I run all of the old Raid instances to get the old Tier sets. I've played WoW pretty much since it's release however my Druid has always been an Enchanter and up until T14 I simply just DEed my old gear when I got an upgrade for the materials. It took me a long time to get sentimental in WoW and I always laughed at people who kept their old gear in their bags or banks thinking there was no point. But now that I've gotten a little older I've found I keep all my old gear that meant something to me. I kept my full set of Dragon Soul Heroic Tier as well as Cho'Gall, Alysrazor and the Dragon Soul random drop Trinkets and the Reputation rings from ICC and Firelands. Now I'm going back into all of the old Pre-80 Raid instances to try and get all of the old gear I used to have and destroyed. I've nearly completed my Cenarion and Stormrage sets and am working on my Malorne set from Karazan to try and finish a transmog I'm working on! I have a lot of fun in the old dungeons as nostalgia always hits me as I'm able to solo the old bosses that 40 people used to wipe to.

Sunday - Farm While I Watch Streams Day

My second favorite day of the week. As the screenshot above may suggest... I like to farm. I generally spend the entire Sunday on my Shaman, who is a miner and herbalist, just turn on a live stream (either one of the Evil Genius boys, Towelliee or one of Lore's old videos) and just casually watch it on my other monitor as I run around and try to collect things. I always try to have a completely filled personal guild bank incase a guildie or friend needs something. I generally don't sell anything for most of the expansion unless every tab is completely filled and I can't do anything else until I clear some of it out. At the end of the expansion, I sell everything at once to clear it for the next expansions materials. I only keep current content materials in my bank at any given time. (Note: I used to have A LOT more Windwool Cloth when it was dropping like crazy at the beginning of the expansion, I had so much I actually started vendoring it and didn't keep it all when I transferred over.)

Monday - Alt Leveling/Pet Battle Day

Another one of my lazy days. I've recently been working on my Mistweaver Monk a lot lately but have hit yet another block once getting to the Cataclysm content. I hate leveling! Which is why I also mix in pet battles on Monday. Monday is a pretty lazy day in all rights on Azeroth so there's not much going on so Monday is the best day to do something lazy like level alts or run around trying to find cute animals. I'm trying to get at least one of my pets to level 25 so I can go find an Unborn Valkyr! Apart from that I still have to level my Holy Priest and Mistweaver as well as do an RP Playthrough on my new Human Paladin.

And then it's maintenance and time to start again! I've been running this schedule for a year or so now as I'm someone who benefits most from a structure. What about you? Do you have a daily routine that you stick to every day or have a layout of things you do during the week or do you just wing it when you log on?

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