Monday, September 9, 2013

Sunday Night Stroll - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Dungeon Guide - Sastasha - Level 15

Sastasha is the first dungeon of three you will receive in quick succession. You must be level 15 and completed the main plot story line quests where it sends you to the instance entrance and instructs you to use the Duty Finder to complete it. Unlike the following instances, there aren't any objectives you must complete to get through the areas of the dungeon, it is very linear and difficult to get lost in.


Chopper is the first boss in this instance, he is a dog like creature that hits the tank like a truck. Previously, in a separate room in the instance, there will be a piece of paper that says "The Captain likes his seas blue". This is a clue on how to make Chopper spawn as there are three different colored coral in the room (red, green and blue), interact with the blue coral to find a switch which will cause Chopper to spawn. You have a bit of time to run before he aggros so your tank as time to pick him up. Chopper is a tank and spank with very few abilities however if your tank is under-geared (and since this is the first instance he probably will be) he will take A LOT of damage and constant heals will have to be pumped into them to keep them alive. Chopper also does a small AoE ability that does a significant amount of damage if you are hit by it.

Captain Madison (Version 1)

Captain Madison is sitting in the room with two adds. Ideally, the tank will be able to hold aggro on all three mobs (which in my experience, probably won't happen, because aggro seems to be difficult to generate against the healer to new tanks) and they will start taking high amounts of damage. The group needs to dps down the adds before they kill the tank. Once the adds are down, and you realize you can't kill the annoying parrot, the boss will need to be dealt with. Most of the damage in the fight comes from the adds so healing will seem much more lax. Once Captain Madison reaches 50% health he will giggle and run off but don't worry, you'll see him again.

Captain Madison (Again...)

You must kill a mini-boss who drops the keys to the captains quarters [we won't ask why HE had them ;)] to proceed. Captain Madison is again beside his two buds who you must kill before you go after the boss. At about 50% health Madison will call out four Scurvy Dog adds that the tank will need to pick up. The adds don't have a lot of health and can be dps'd down fairly easily or you can attack the boss. Either way, Madison will run off at 25% and the dogs will remain so you have to kill them either way.

Denn the Orcatoothed

Captain Madison will finally get his but not at the hands of your party, instead he will die at the hands of a giant fishman. Justice has been served. Denn is a pretty simple boss fight that can become incredibly complicated if the group doesn't know how to deal with him. Denn himself only has one ability which is a frontal cone ability that has a small radious and is very easilly avoided. The meat of the fight comes when the boss periodically makes the four grates around the room bubble. There doesn't seem to be a set amount that bubble, it sometimes was only three and sometimes it's all four. It takes long enough that one person can interact with two grates and the tank doesn't take enough damage that the healer can't help out. It is important that you try to lock at least two of the grates as adds can pile up very fast. If you do happen to get adds (we didn't in the attempt I recorded because the pugs knew what to do) they are easily killable and you should get them down as quickly as possible.

Congratulations, you just completed the first instance in Final Fantasy XIV! Enjoy your loot!

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