Friday, September 20, 2013

The Weekly Innervate - Infinite Crisis - Arcane Green Lantern - The Emerald Tank - Support Guide

(Author's Note: This guide was made 09/20/2013 with the Closed Beta Patch 4. Any future updates to the game can render this guide out-of-date.)

Welcome everyone to the first edition of support guides for Infinite Crisis. Anyone who follows my stream has noticed that I have been playing a lot of really late night Infinite Crisis lately. It is a game I have been in Beta in for quite a long time (since the second week of testing) but was unable to stream due to NDA. I eventually lost a bit of interest because the map they launched with was a Dominion style map and as I put it "there is only so many times you can run around in a circle until that gets tiring". I picked the game back up recently when I discovered that the NDA had lifted for screenshots, videos and streams. Within the first night of streaming and I had fallen in with a group of other streamers, with the game being so small and new everyone knew everyone and all of the streamers knew each other as well, and began playing for hours every night.

Arcane Green Lantern is Turbine's Infinite Crisis' newest champion and is a support champion (as well as other roles most notably jungle) that specializes in crowd control and tanking. Supports in Infinite Crisis are different from those in many other Moba's as they tend to focus more of burst and crowd control over healing and helping with sustaining from the backline. Arcane Green Lantern is no exception as he is most useful taking damage in the middle of a team fight.

Abilities and How to Use Them

Emerald Light (Passive) - Targets hit by your basic attack that leaves a debuff called Emerald Light upon them. This debuff lasts for 4 seconds and if the target is struck again by yourself or any of your allies you receive a 4 second buff that gives you health over time. There is a 10 second cool down on this ability so it isn't reapplied with every auto attack. Put this debuff on your large drone in lane or on the focused target in team fights so allies can get some of their help back during fights or just passively in lane.

Construct Champion (Q) - This sends a large constructed statue in a straight that deals damage and knocks down every thing in it's path for one second. You can click this ability again and be instantly teleported to where your construct is on the field and have the construct instantly destroyed. It is important to note that this ability will knock down everyone it hits just people at the end of it's cast like Poison Ivy's Q. There are many different uses for this ability such as getting over walls in lane for ganks/escapes as well as having a mini flash for quick getaways. This also helps you get in the middle of team fights for quick Q, E, W combos.

Shackles (W) - This ability snares any enemy champion within the radius of your lantern. After several seconds, if the enemy stays within the radius and stays connected the chains, they will become rooted for a short time. However, the time between the initial shackle and the root affect is quite a long one and it is easy for enemies to simply walk out of the radius and break the chains at early levels. This is why it is important to combo your W with your E.

Emerald Lantern (E) - You toss your lantern on a selected location. The lantern will deal a moderate amount of damage and will move the radius of the lantern to the location. You can pick up the lantern at any time to reduce it's cool down by half it's amount. The lantern also gives passive Attack Armor to whoever is in the lanterns radius. The radius is pretty small but it is throwable so you can toss the lantern into the middle of the fight and pick it up to make sure it is affecting as many people as possible.

Deny the Black (R) - Upon targeting an ally champion, this ability will give them a shield, reveal a large circle of the map around them and teleport you to their location after two seconds. There is a radius on the ability, however, it is a pretty large one and can cover about 1/3rd of the total map. It is useful for getting yourself into a team fight while in a separate lane or protect someone in your jungle from an invasion.

Comboing your E and W is one of the most important things to do on Arcane Green Lantern. Your Lantern will always be the source of your Chains and they will not break until the affect that ended on all champions within your lanterns radius. You can throw your lantern in front of you, activate your Shackles while you're walking up to the lantern to snag enemies, pick up the lantern and then walk with the enemies while they're running away to keep the lantern moving with them helps ensure that they will be rooted.

Leveling Process

First 4 Levels - Get Q first, then E, then W and then begin maxing as instructed below.

Max Emerald Lantern (E) first! Not only will this help with lane burst (since your E is in a short CD and is your main damage dealer) but it also helps with lane sustain as the more you level the more passive Attack Armor you give to yourself and your team mates.

Max Emerald Light (Passive) second! You generally want to level this ability second as each rank gives you increased health over time on your passive debuff. However, if you find yourself against a double ranged lane or are getting harassed out of lane easily and aren't able to use your passive often level your W second.

Max Shackles (W) third! Each level grants you additional slow speed up to 45% at max level. Once you have gotten your maximum amount of passive Armor from your lantern your shackles will be your next upgradable CC since the stun on your Q stays at 1 second for every level.

Max Construct Champion (Q) last! Once your get your first level of Q it isn't really beneficial to level it anymore until it is the last thing you can gain because the damage is overall lower than your E and the knock down duration remains the same through all levels. Gaining more passive attack armor, damage and CC through your W is more useful than getting more levels of your Q.

Item Build

I build pure tank on my Arcane Green Lanterns as I spend most of my time drawing enemy teams away from my allies and being in the middle of teamfights.

First Buy - I pick up The Crime Bible (1) and The Logos (1) on the first buy of the game before I go into lane. This gives me a jump on health and also passive Will Regeneration. Arcane Green Lantern is a pure Will hog and will go through all of his Will in lane after only using four abilities or less. You absolutely need a Will item super early if you want to have any presence in lane (other wise you will be constantly backing or not able to harass).

Second Buy - I return to base the moment that I hit 750 gold. This allows you to finish your The Crime Bible (2) and also leaves you with enough money to buy the new Tektite Vial. This vial gives you both health and will and has 3 total charges which replenish each time you back. This will help you stay in lane longer. Finishing The Crime Bible as early as possible gives you a jump on it's passive which collects up to 450 extra health over time that is permanent as long as you have the item.

Finish Your Logoz and Work on a Ruby of Life - You're already collecting coins for your Logoz stacks so picking up and finishing a Ruby of Life compliments your Logoz. They both are 30 stack items that give your a stack of Health/Health Regeneration and Power Damage respectively. If your team is doing well and you are personally playing Green Lantern well you will have few deaths. Obviously, if you're dying often or your team is not doing well you might want to go with a health item that gives you flat Health so you don't have to worry about constantly losing stacks.

Finish Ra's al Ghul's Robe - This is a new item with Patch 4 and compliments your stacking items. This item gives you Attack and Power Armor, making you more tanky, as well as when it finishes it gives you a passive ability that when you reach 0 health you become invulnerable for 4 seconds and return to life with 25% Health and 50% Will. This does not count as an actual death and will not lose your stacks. This death will generally give you enough time to have all of your cooldowns (except maybe your ultimate) to reset so you can make an escape and not lose any of your Ruby of Life or Logoz stacks. At the end of this item you'll have around 2700 health and 130 Attack/Power Armor with fully maxed out Ruby of Life.

Build Kryptonian War Armor and Amulet of Isis - I'm impartial to the Kryptonian War armor as it gives you a little bit of everything. Not only do you get more Power Armor and Health Regeneration but it also gives you more Movement Speed which will help you get to objectives and team fights more quickly but it also gives you 20% increased healing. This will increase the healing of your Stolen Power (which you should always take Arcane Green Lanterns Healing Wave) and the regeneration your recieve from your passive. The last item you pick up is honestly up to you. It won't hurt for you to pick up a damaging item if you feel you are tanky enough and would like to deal more damage. I, however, like to go full support and pick up Amulet of Isis last. This gives you more Health, some Cooldown Reduction and an Active Ability which increases movement speed by 30% (newly added with Patch 4).

You generally won't ever get to your 6th item in a normal Coast City, most of the time I'm lucky if I completely finish my Kryptonian War Armor. So if the game has lasted long enough for you to get your sixth item then it is up to your to buy whatever item you would like. To me, more tankiness on Arcane Green Lantern is more welcome no matter how much health I have.

If you have any questions or would like to see Arcane Green Lantern in action you can stop by my stream anytime after midnight EST on most nights where myself and other Infinite Crisis streamers play games through most of the night!

Stream Link

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