Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Night Strolls - Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Copperbell Mines - Level 17

Welcome to the Sunday Night Stroll where I take you through one of many dungeons inside one of the many MMOs that I play and teach you how to heal through it! This week we're going through the third dungeon, Copperbell Mines, unlocked through the main quest story line in the newly released MMO Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. And most importantly, this weeks video is actually in 1080p HD quality now that I've finally given up on Fraps and started using XSplit to record offline!

Copperbell Mines definitely steps up drastically in difficulty because word on the street is that the higher the level the more difficult the dungeon is and it starts with this one. This dungeon has a lot of new boss fight mechanics that can throw a group who has never done it before through a loop.


The first boss unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) is almost boringly simplistic. Almost to the point where there's nothing to do. The fight starts off with the room constantly spawning adds into the room. You'll kill at least 30 before the big boss actually spawns, it starts off slow but they begin to start spawning 5 at a time. However, if your DPS have any bit of AoE they'll go done relatively easy. Then the boss will spawn, he doesn't do anything special, not even any conal or AoE abilities. The other thing he does is gain a buff periodically that increases his damage reduction by a significant amount which does nothing more than drag the fight out.

Ichorous Ire

This boss is very interesting and will definitely throw your group for a loop if nobody knows what they're doing. The boss takes virtually no damage from players but there are Blasting Cap adds that spawn when you use the the Improvised Blasting Lever. DPS needs to focus down the add, once it gets to 25% health it will do an AoE that will kill anyone inside of the circle and split the boss into pieces, the tank must have the boss next to the add before it gets to 25% so they can run out in time for the explosion which happens quickly. If the tank tries to run the boss into the circle they will either miss it or they will die. There is a timer on the lever so if you miss an explosion you'll have to wait before you try again. Other adds will spawn periodically that will attack the Blasting Caps so you must be mindful to either dps them down or pay close attention to the Blasting Caps health. Your best best is to stack the Blasting Caps and the boss together as soon as he spawns. You will need to do this three times before he splits into enough little pieces to be killed off.

Gyges the Great

Another difficult fight that takes very keen timing and constant attention by all members of the group. There are boulders spread around the room that block off tunnel entrances. The boss will pick the east side boulder and destroy it. Once it is destroyed an add will emerge from the tunnel and immediately go to the west side of the room and attempt to break the boulder. Your group must attempt to slow down the add and kill it. If your dps is to low another add will spawn before your finished or the add will break the boulder and you'll have two adds to deal with. If you do not dps the adds at all you will eventually be over run. The group must switch between the adds and the boss. The group in the video stopped killing adds at 50% and I tanked about 6 adds before we killed it. I personally like to wait a little longer. I like to kill as many adds as possible until the boulder breaks and we have two and then we switch. Either way works as long as the dps is good enough. Once the second boulder breaks and you have two adds is when you have to switch to the boss regardless because the group is not going to be able to kill two adds and dps the boss. Other than that the boss does an AoE cone ability which shouldn't be a problem since the DPS will mostly be out killing adds. As well, he gains a buff periodically that increases his special ability damage by 50% which is his conal ability which is small and easy to dodge.

Congratulations on your kills! May the loot drops be every in your favor! Next week, we go over the first Trial Bowl of Embers.

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