Saturday, October 19, 2013

How the Leaves Are Changing? - Week of 10/19/2013 - What Have I Been Up To?

Well, you might have noticed the lack of posts this week. I've decided to not post so many weekly articles and have cut it down a tad. Right now I'm currently only sticking with the Weekly Innervate for the moment and may bring back Loremaster Innervate in the near future. I have decided to spread out my college work a little more evenly as I was simply not doing it due to complete uninterest. The blog didn't have much to do with that to be honest I just really have a hard time sitting down and doing homework because I'm lazy. I'm also extremely somewhat ADD and I'll sit down to write a post or homework and constantly alt tabbing to do something else I thought about doing. In other words, I have shortened the amount of posts to preserve the life of the blog because I have at least 30 posts I want to write which is more than half a year if it all goes towards the Weekly Innervate. I'm also going to move it back to Tuesday because I don't have much homework to do on Tuesday where Thursday I have two things to do.

In game a lot has happened this week. First, I finished my Legendary Cloak on my main character after months of work and I streamed it (you can find the VoD here)! Complete disappointment for a ton of reasons. One, I was expecting a Feat of Strength for completing it like all other Legendaries and there was no achievement for actually completing the cloak at all specifically. And as pictured above, the cloak wing animation in completely broken for the Glyph of Treant form for Restoration Druids. If you're in Tree Form when it procs in combat, it won't show up, if you're idle it won't cosmetic proc if you're in Tree Form and if you're in human form and then shift to tree form, the wings proc sideways. Every other form for Druids works fine, Resto Druid does not and I am completely unhappy because of this.

I finished Flex 14/14 this week with my usual Wednesday group. I have all fights recorded which means I can start streaming the Flex raids. Also, I admit that I have been missing raiding a lot recently and have decided to put the robes back on again for real. I put up a post on the Thrall forums and got about four responses within a few hours. I decided to try out a guild that only raided two nights a week on pretty odd nights (Friday and Monday) and I'll admit I was skeptical at first because good guilds don't generally run two nights a week and generally never not raid on Tuesday. As well, only raiding 6 hours a week generally means not a ton of time for progression and if you get stuck on a boss for any length of time you're done. But they were raiding last night in a fresh clear so I decided to try them out. And I was really happy! We finished 13/14NM in 3 hours by one shotting every boss in the instance (also streamed the VoD is here). We go back in on Monday for a full night of Progression on Garrosh (which is the only boss they haven't killed yet) and I am super excited.

The only other project I have now is that of gold! Anyone who knows me knows I absolutely suck at making gold. But I've been trying to make some gold because I was sitting at 18,000g and completely unhappy with where I was at. So I've been doing the Ore shuffle a lot as well as selling a lot of my stuff in my guild bank. Gems and enchanting materials/scrolls have been selling really well but as expected Glyphs are not at all. The current plan to to make 100,000 gold and then keep that amount and restock my guild bank until the end of the expansion where I do my mass clear out sale since I only stock pile things relevant to the expansion we're currently in. Another two or three weeks I should be at 100,000g since I was at 18,000g last week and I'm sitting at 65,000g currently!

Lastly, it's my birthday on Monday! Nothing to celebrate really because I'm going to be raiding Garrosh on my birthday. I plan on transferring my final two close max characters to Horde and US-Thrall. This will not only give two max level characters (I hope to get my monk to 90 by Monday) but it will give me two more Alchemists (for a total of three, one for each specialization) and a max level Tailor. I will be sad to see my sexy Draenei transmog gone as I absolutely loved it. My Shaman will be a male Troll named Suraga and my monk will becoming a Blood Elf named Mishtah. The other thing I plan on doing is name changing my Priest to Circalla (since Shieldra is a bad name for a Holy Priest) as well as race changing my Druid (AGAIN!?) to a Tauren. This hinges on the fact that Blizzcon announces we  aren't getting any new races. If we are I will hold it off for the expansion.

What have your guys' weeks been like!?

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