Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Project Innervate Special - Star Wars: TOR - Patch 2.4 Release and It's Problems

Welcome to a Project Innervate special for SWTOR's new patch! Two weeks ago we had Patch 5.4 drop for World of Warcraft so it shouldn't be any surprise that SWTOR now has a new content patch of it's own right on their heels. However, with the bad press it has received I doubt this will be a boost of moral to SWTOR players.

Launch Night Issues

Last night my Twitter absolutely blew up over SWTOR and it wasn't anything good. Last month, with the new launch of Patch 5.4 for World of Warcraft I resubbed after letting my sub drop for a few weeks due to lack of things to do and my Gamer ADD being set on SWTOR. I wasn't able to pay for both SWTOR and WoW at the time so I had to let my SWTOR subscription lapse. I hate SWTOR Free to Play model so much I lose all motivation to play unless I'm subscribed because the game is so gutted and unnecessary all it does is make me angry.

Last night, every SWTOR fan was warning people to not attempt to Patch or Log In until tomorrow morning when maintenance was complete. If you were unlucky enough to try before word spread or are casual and don't follow news about SWTOR then your client corrupted and you had to re-download to client. This is pretty bad since SWTOR is about 20 gigs (or more) now and having to download everything over again would make anyone want to not bother, especially if they are free to play players or subscribers considering leaving anyway.

Patch Notes... Kind of?

New Planet - Oricon: Oricon (which is technically a moon, not a planet) is very prominent in the Dark Side of the Force (for currently unknown reasons) and is where the Dread Masters have run too. This planet, like other planets, will have a mini story line for players to go through as well as house the new instances and dailies.

4v4 Arenas: No one can deny that SWTOR PvP has been in a pretty bad place since they had a near 10 month period where they had no content patches at all. This patch not only removes the 8v8 Ranked Warzones that have been in Pre-Season for a year and a half but it introduces 4v4 Ranked Arena. Players will be able to queue up solo or in a group and come against groups who have a similar composition to them (so if you have a healer, the group you face will be more likely to also have a healer). Ontop of this, there is a new of gear for PvP called Conqueror and the Ranked gear is called Obroan. You must first grind out the Conqueror Gear before you can buy the Obroan Ranked version because it is a component of the currency.

Jedi Consular/Sith Inquisitor Changes: There is none. That's right. 0. Not even any bug fixes. This gives the illusion that they may have finally balanced healing/ranged dps Jedi but those who actually play them know that that's not the case at all. Oh well, maybe next time.

Treek Has Companion Quests: I was super irked when I bought Treek on my main 55, raised her affection to 10,000 through gifts just to learn she didn't have any quests apart from her introduction. If I had known this I would have just put her on my Jedi Knight I was having trouble leveling due to constantly dying because Bioware thought it would be good to make a pure tank/dps class to get their healing companion at level 36. Apparently, this was just a bug with any characters made prior to Patch 2.3, the patch she was introduced in. All toons now have her conversations unlock. (Republic side videos coming soon here!)

Two New Operations (Maybe Soon?): So needless to say EA/Bioware done goofed on this one. Apparently, there is a breaking bug with the final boss of Dread Palace where one of the council bosses in the fight doesn't recieve a buff during a phase transition making the encounter unkillable. This means that there will not be a completion to World/Realm first kills (if SWTOR still even has a competitive raiding scene left) until the team can fix it. How on Earth did this make this past testing...?

Shift + Left Click Puts the Name of Something in the CTN Search Box: Speaks for itself. Quality of life change that is important and work mentioning.

New Dailies and Reputation: This is the Oricon planet reputation. You MUST complete the planets story line before you can unlock the dailies for the grind. Reputation rewards include two adaptive armor sets (both look pretty awful for Republic), a pet that looks like a roided up rakghoul, a mount that's got to be close to be reskinned in every color and Black/Red Dye.

Good content patch, little irritated that the raid doesn't work but I'm sure I'll be over it once they fix it. However, there is something that I am really pissed off about that will be out later tonight that will be linked here once it is finished.

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