Saturday, April 26, 2014

How the Leaves Are Changing? - Week of 04/20/2014 - I'm So Behind!

So this article was supposed to be out on Saturday of last week and it's coming out on Wednesday... yeah... I'm super behind! So let's get started!

World of Warcraft

Good Raid Week!

Had a good raid week this week. We've been looking for a tank for the longest time with our top dps needing to change to tank pretty much every week since I joined. This week we were really lucky to find a pug DK tank who was really good and was looking for a guild so I'm super optimistic about next week and getting some progression. We also full cleared for the first time in a while. We probably wouldn't have if we didn't have to pug spots and could have worked on Heroic Malkorok but it was worth it since I finally got my four piece. I know, I'm 8/14HM and have raided through all of Siege of Orgrimmar and have managed to not be able to snag a 4 piece until now. The 4pc for RDruids is really good and am really excited for next week where my HPS is sure to increase. Our Disc/Shadow Priest also finally got the Trinket off of Blackfuse and replaced a Timeless trinket.

Double Orgrimmars All the Way!

I also got my Holy Paladin into a 6/14HM 25M guild that wanted my Druid. I was originally supposed to go on my Shaman but their old Holy Paladin took a bunch of gear and then bailed. The first week was kind of rough but it was to be expected as they decided to raid on Sunday. They were able to get a full raid but it was pretty obvious that people weren't completely focused. And I also only got one drop of the 7 Heroic Bosses that we killed so that was also pretty unfortunate. 

Do I Need Another Druid?

Decided to start working on another baby Druid. One thing I really miss about my main Druid is that she can't be a Worgen anymore. Alliance is still my favorite faction and they do have the best races for Druids. The top of my Druids career was back in Heroic Dragon Soul in terms of gear and progression and I really miss the Worgen. My friend, @Kittlore, and I are leveling baby Worgens on an RP server off the grid. The plan is to get her to max level before the end of the expansion but we shall see!

League of Legends

Back in the Leagues

So the story is that last season me and a friend grinded for weeks for get me out of Bronze 5 to Silver or better. I finally got to Silver before the cut off time and my duo partner got to Gold after the cut off time so we both got our Silver rewards. After the soft reset I did my placement matches and went 6-4 and ended up in Bronze 1. I was so demoralized and frustrated (finally fighting to Silver, going positive in my placements and yet going lower than I started) that I ended up not playing League for several months. But I finally came back and stayed in Bronze 1/2 without going on too hard of a losing streak. Finally this week we won the Silver promotion on the second try and got back into Silver. Now we're working on Gold for the goal by the end of the season.

There's also news that a new support, Braum the Heart of Freljord, is on the way. I looked at his abilities and was instantly bored as it is another tank support. I really hate tank supports and like supports that are more bard like with heals, shields and buffs for clutch saves and lane pressure. Our last healing support was almost a year and a half ago with Nami who came out on 12/07/2012 but she was never picked up in pro play because tank/cc/AP damage supports were too popular.

Other Stuff!

Whatever my internet issues I'm very optimistic that they have been solved! I went the entire week streaming without a single hiccup until Sunday. That entire day I was having random disconnects from all of my games (WoW, LoL and Hearthstone) but I think I might have found the cause. I'm pretty sure it had something to do with my computers network being registered as a Public Network and not a private network and the firewall/virus protector was fighting with the game servers themselves because of it. I changed it and was able to stream on Tuesday for nearly 5 hours without a single dropped frame and no DCs in WoW, HS, GW2 or LoL. My download speeds for game patches have also increased quite a bit as well.

School is almost finished. It's finals week this week and I have an exam and a Capstone essay and then I will be done with school until August and I will no longer have an excuse to not be putting out articles. I'm gonna be pretty happy to finally have school over with and get a break for a while. Something tells me I'm going to need it when my brother finally graduates.

And lastly, after much discussion on Twitter I decided to pre-order Wildstar. I got into the beta in December and liked it but lost interest quickly and wasn't sure if it was worth the box price and the subscription. I'm also extremely jaded from Rift, SWTOR and FFXIV not staying in popularity for very long after buying Collectors Editions of each of those games. But lots of people are really excited for it and I do need a second game to play outside of WoW so as to not get burned out. I did pick up ESO but I haven't actually played it yet.

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