Saturday, June 1, 2013

How the Leaves Are Changing - World of Warcaft - End of Cataclysm Update

A few awesome things happened today. First, and to me most importantly, I finished my Glory of the Dragon Soul Raider Meta achievement. The achievement not only calls for full 8/8 HM kills but also calls for 8 achievements across all bosses. So to complete this achievement while the content is still relevant is no small feat and I am very proud to be able to say that I got mine. Also, this is my first ever meta achievement drake that I finished during the content patch that the raid came out in.

Second, I received the Heroic tier shoulders from Hagara (after rolling a 1, may I add) which completed my 4/4 Heroic Tier BiS items! I have to say, the heroic tier looks really nice and I may keep it for next tier depending on how Druid Tier 14 looks on me.

And lastly, I’m rich! The Blazing Drake dropped from Deathwing and I won the roll with a 99. However, my guild master is a crazy mount collector with a lot of gold to spare and offered me 50,000 gold for the drake. I would have given it to her anyway, seeing as it is her birthday in a few weeks. But I’ve always been awful with money and she seemed so sure that I was going to want the Drake back. But I got the drake that I wanted and am happy to say that this expansion for me is over! And just in time too!

Now I have to get ready for MoP to be released. That means finishing the level grind on my Shaman as well as gearing her. Maxxing Justice Points and saving Valor Points for the next expansion and money saving for the immediate expenses coming our way! See you all in Mists of Pandaria!

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