Thursday, January 2, 2014

How the Leaves Are Changing? - Week of (1/1/2014) - Where the Hell Have YOU Been!? (New Years Resolutions)

Hi everyone! So as you may have noticed I haven't posted anything new in about two months. I kind of fell off the wagon in so many aspects of my life that I just didn't have the motivation to write anything. I didn't do so well in college this semester, I got really burned out on article writing and World of Warcraft as a whole and just haven't really had the motivation to do much of anything since the string of holidays starting with Halloween.

But 2014 is here and I'm ready to kick it into high gear with some New Years Resolutions!

1.) Gonna Go Hard at School!

College has always been really hard to get into for me. I have a fairly high IQ and get extremely unmotivated because I feel like I don't have to try to get good grades and the people who are teaching me are dumber than me. I've also always had a very hard time picking a major to complete. I've jumped between like five different majors over the past several years but I think I've finally decided on Veterinarian. I also have a 10-year plan that I am happy with and have renewed motivation for school. I'm not going to slack off anymore and am going to finally put my full effort into it!

2.) More Youtube Content

I have restarted my Youtube channel and actually started a good deal of today updating the channel and generally cleaning it up. When I made my Youtube channel about two years I had the main use of it being that I would complete every single class story and every single companion story arc in Star Wars: The Old Republic. I've had some serious issues with this series including Fraps being a terrible program, losing 2 TB of recorded footage, a non-functional external hard drive and lots of corrupted files making me lose large chunks of story. I finally figured out a way to get everything to work properly (TLDR; I switched over to XSplit local recording, recording on my main hard drive and transferring it to my 3TB hard drive) and are moving forward with the project.

3.) One Weekly Article

I'm going to start posting articles here again! I'm only going to posting once or twice a week (no more 5 articles a week thing) because before I was simply burning myself way too fast. I'm going to be posting article from various games and this week is going to be more of an RP reasoning post for SWTOR since that has been my gaming addiction for the past week or so (even to the point where I have cancelled my WoW subscription for now and probably until the next expansion. I'm excited to start up the articles once again as it will give me something to do.

4.) More Consistant Streaming

I'm going to be streaming a lot more. I haven't streamed a lot in the last 6-8 months or so but I am going to try to be streaming more often. Since I've been playing SWTOR and have been consistently recording in HD I haven't been able to stream. However, I feel like if I streamed the regular planet story lines it wouldn't be quality content because I just spacebar everything and it's just me killing stuff and not really doing anything fun. Trying to strike a balance and I will figure it out soon.

Hopefully I will be keeping these resolutions!

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