Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How the Leaves Are Changing - World of Warcraft - What Happened... Recap!

Where am I... I don't know what happened... I fell asleep... and woke up two weeks later. No seriously. I haven't really had much to write about recently since there hasn't been any big news since Blizzcon. I want to wait until we're closer to 4.3 before I release my HUGE Patch 4.3 thoughts post in case anything new comes out but I still want to give you guys some form of content. So I guess I will show you guys what I have been working on the last few weeks.

I have recently made the decision to bring all of my characters Alliance so my druid wasn't all alone. A level 60 warlock was also transferred over, primarily because she had 450 maxed tailoring. It was a wise decision economically because all of these characters, minus the Death Knight, had one or two maxed professions that are valuable. And also helps to have farmable Valor Points for future sellable BoEs.

As stated above I finished leveling my Death Knight. My Death Knight was my fist ever level 80 and was the first character I raided on. I feel a little bit bad that it took me this long into the expansion to finally get her this achievement. I was never very good at melee DPS in general but with more experience in the game as a whole, I am now decent at her and feel like I can play her again.

I have a new UI as well. This took me a collective 8 hours to put together just the way I wanted it. A lot of the colors are green to make them more visible in the generally red instances and to make things a little easier to find.  Really useful setup for all types of characters.

Took about 2 hours but I got this little beauty. Going around and collecting 150 Tricky Treats wasn't particularly difficult seeing as I had completed the Hallowed achievement last year. But it is still an awesome pet. A black cat in a witch's hat that flies on a broom when you mount.

I've been spending a lot of time leveling since I've become a little bored with dungeons. I'm hoping to have every class (minus a Warrior because I want to keep one slot open for a Monk incase they don't give us an extra slot) and profession maxed before the next expansion comes out. Also been doing a little leveling in Rift.

Level 15 Cleric

And been playing League of Legends with the guild. Stay tuned for a (hopefully soon) Patch 4.3 survival guide!

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