Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Monday Morning Musings - World of Warcraft - Player Housing And How It Could Work In World of Warcraft

Player Housing is something that every MMO has either had as a feature or hasn't and the community continuously begged for. World of Warcraft is one of the few large MMOs out there that has put their foot down about not adding Player Housing into their game. But with WoW arguably going more casual friendly with the latest expansion - will their minds change? Adding Player Housing into an MMO setting is a lot more complicated than it appears on the surface and many concerns must be addressed before it could even be considered being added as a feature.

Taking Development Time – Do We Have The Resources?

Blizzard is definitely the first person to throw the word expensive around when it is difficult to implement something into the game. And a GOOD player housing system would definitely take a lot of time and effort. World of Warcraft is running on almost 10 year old coding at it's base which has caused problems for features in the past and Player Housing is not something the original development of the game had in mind when it was created. So it would take a lot of time and effort to add it into the current game. But with back to back expansions holding a new race and one including a tri-spec able class Blizzard could get away with this new expansion not including a new race or class and instead allowing other races be new classes as a compromise. Not having to add a new class or race into the expansion would free up a lot of development time. Blizzard has already stated that they have finished Tier 17 in past interviews as well. This means that something as big as Player Housing could be implemented as an expansion feature.

How Do We Make Player Housing Interesting To Every Player

Blizzard has arguably been going towards a more casual friendly model with their recent expansion Mists of Pandaria, adding in a lot of non-end game content and allowing players to see end game content without having to put in the weekly dedication of raider with the Looking for Raid and the soon to be Flexible Raiding feature. So one of the big things Blizzard is going to be looking for in their future features is making sure that it is interesting to the majority of their player base.

Player Housing would be a great time sink for Casual Players if implemented properly. Blizzard could put things around the world (similar to how the Pet Battle System worked) that made it so people who wanted a specific item had to go out to that area to get it. You could make items be retrievable from old raids, instances, reputations and even Archaeology to renew interest in old content. These could be cosmetic items like an old vase dug up from Draenei Archaeology or a Dragon Statue from the Wyrmrest Accord Quartermaster. They could also unlock color/design schemes with faction reputations like a Blood Elf crystal scheme floating out in the Twisting Nether if you're Exalted with Silvermoon or a grand keep decorated in Blue and Gold lions if Exalted with Stormwind. This would give casual players a personal grind that they could do on their own time based on the types of items they wanted in the world.

But How Would This Interest End Game Players?

This is where the cool part comes in. I've been thinking about this for an awful long time from the perspective of an end game PvE'er and I've come up with some pretty cool ideas. Blizzard doesn't have a lot of things that reward people who have been playing their game for a really long time other than the items/mounts we may or may not have in our bags. Why not put them on display?

Blizzard can reward players who have been around for a long time with the Player Housing System. King Varian or The Horde Warchief can summon the champion that has been protecting them and their people for years and explain that they appreciate their commitment and give them their house (which could be floating out in the Twisting Nether and only accessible through a stone similar to a Hearthstone) as a thank you. Inside that house are empty glasses with Mannequins inside with a control panel at the end. You open up the control panel and it opens up a UI where you can place full sets of old tier gear that doesn't destroy the gems/enchants and keeps the gear at its full glory. This would allow players who have collected up to 15 sets of Tier gear (like me) that is sitting in their bags to actually be put on display. Separate floating fields can put Legendary Weapons on display as well for those who have collected something so difficult to achieve since we still are not allowed to Transmog them. A wall of plaques and banners of the colors of reputations you have become exalted with to show how much work has been put into the game. Maybe even boss mementos for end game bosses that you've killed in raid instances like a claw of Nefarion or the Elemental Bindings of Ragnaros. Go outside to see a full stable of mounts that you choose to be on display (since most players have 100+ mounts we obviously can't have them all, we could let the player choose 10 or so mounts that are special to them to place in the stables).

This Sounds Awesome! But Now Everyone Is Spending All of Their Time In Their Houses And Aren't In the World Anymore!

This one is a pretty easy fix that I have seen as the primary argument against having Player Housing in the game. Primary implementation – Don't Put a Guild Bank and Auction House inside of the House. It makes sense for Players to want to place personal storage inside of their homes so a Personal Bank would be fine but no Auction House so players can just sit in the house all day and not have to interact with other players. Trade Chat in my opinion would be fine if the player wanted to have it on, if the Player is looking for a group for something they would have to leave the house to go and do what they wanted the group for anyway but not having Trade Chat wouldn't hinder anyone either. Give the Players inside of the House a buff called Relaxation – This buff would not allow players to queue up for random dungeons, battlegrounds or raids until they left the house. This would make it so players couldn't just sit in their own private instance and queue for whatever they needed for the day and log off.

That Fixes The Problem – But Now No One Uses It, It's Going to Be a Failure

That's the beauty of it. Like every other feature in the game it's as successful as you the Player makes it! A Feature being used by every player for 6 hours a day does not a successful feature make. It's what the players do with it that makes it a success. Every screenshot of a room in your home, every tweet about your home, every whisper saying “Hey, my Home looks so awesome, let me invite you to a group so you can come see how cool it looks” makes the feature a success. It doesn't have to be used every day but as long as players create hype about it in a positive way, it makes the feature successful. Grouping with a bunch of friends and passing Group Lead to each person so you can port to their home so they can say “Hey, I have this awesome thing let me show you, oh you don't have it!? Well here's how you get, let me show you were it is, I'll help you get it” makes the feature incredibly worth it. This would also be a huge boost to the close nit RP communities across the population.

This would give the Player Base one of two things depending on who the Player is (or both). This would either give the player something else to do out in the world at their own pace and motivation level. Constantly adding new things that can be added into the house would keep constant interest in the feature. This would also give old veteran players something that shows how much time and effort we've put in the game over however many years we've been playing. One of the few downsides of WoW is that no matter how long you've played you don't really have a lot of things to physically show others that all those hours were actually spent doing something important to you. Whether it was killing bosses or grinding out Battlegrounds apart from our gear which we can't even display fully. This would give players who have been around a long time something that shows “hey... I did things... and this thing that I can now show others shows that I did that thing... and it was awesome!”. Isn't that what everyone in an MMO wants?  

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