Saturday, October 5, 2013

How the Leaves Are Changing? - Week of 10/05/2013 - What Have I Been Up To?

Not a whole bunch to report on this week I feel. Firstly, been thinking about making a side blogs that I won't have a schedule for. One was inspired by a long outline rant after the US Government shut down on October 1st. I obviously wouldn't post my opinions on it on this blog but making a secondary blog to post it on did come to mind. I like to think myself extremely intelligent with a lot of opinions on stuff (which unsurprisingly people take as always wanting to argue for some reason) so to have a second blog to put that stuff on might be a good idea. I don't know if I actually will however since I don't know how much I would post on it since I rarely pay attention to real world news that happens. I only hear about things if they happen on Twitter.

I've been in the weirdest sleeping schedule ever for the past week and a half. I've been waking up super late, the latest being 7:00 pm making it impossible to write an article and publish it in a good amount of time (which is why this weeks Loremaster Innervate came out today and not yesterday). I need to either switch my sleep schedule back around or write the articles the morning prior before I go to bed and schedule them to release while I'm sleeping.

Ontop of that, I've been thinking about doing a sixth blog article called "Wow, now that's Nerdy!" which would be a review type of article where I review some sort of game, anime, TV show, movie or album. I'm going to debut the new article this Wednesday for an anime I have been watching called Dangan Ronpa which came out on DVD about a month ago and see how it goes.
My birthday is coming up this month (finally not going to be a teenager anymore!) and Christmas is just around the corner and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do. For my birthday I'm thinking of getting a Ticket to Blizzcon to watch on TV so I can liveblog it like I did in 2011. And then maybe transfering my two stranded Healers (my Shaman and Monk) to Thrall so all of my close to max level toons can be together. And there's also a sleeping machine I really want to get because I'm prone to needing sound/dull light while sleeping. I had one as a kid that did rainbow lights, a little waterfall and nature sounds. I haven't been able to find a replacement for it sense but I did find one! I probably won't be able to do all of it for my birthday since it will come out to about $200 but we'll see.

For Christmas I plan on doing an overhaul to my room since I've been living in the Living Room for about 6 years and need to actually make it my room since right now it's just a living room with a mattress on the floor. I want to do like a totally girly nerd cave where I get a new desk, figure out my three monitor set up and put my posters up. So I need your help because I have a terrible imagination. If you have a gamer cave then tweet me pictures of your setup so I can get some inspiration.

World of Warcraft has still been my gaming ADD game of choice. My Druid finally got her Legendary Meta gem and got 7/12 Runestones in the first week. If I'm lucky I will be finished with the Runestones after the Reset. In other news, still no Ashes of A'lar. I've also been leveling a lot of alts and am currently working on my 85 Mistweaver Monk, a baby Warlock and a baby tanking Warrior.

There hasn't been a lot of streaming going on because I've been watching a lot of VoDs from streamers (like Devolore and Pokket) or watching podcasts from GamebreakerTV which means that I can't stream while I'm watching those. I go through these phases a lot where I watch stuff and don't want to stop so I can stream. It will go away soon!

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