Saturday, October 12, 2013

How the Leaves Are Changing? - Week of 10/12/2013 - What Have I Been Up To?

What have I been up too this week... well my sleep schedule is still not fixed as I am writing this about 20 minutes after waking up. I thought I finally fixed it after I took a nap mid-week but then I stayed up until 3pm for no reason today after rewatching Andrew Lloyd Weber's Love Never Dies. I've been on a Phantom of the Opera binge lately with the 25th Royal Hall soundtrack and Ramin Kaminloo's Love Never Dies soundtrack.

I'm still on my World of Warcraft binge and I have been working on alts a lot. I finally got my Holy Priest to level 90 and am currently working on my 87 monk to get all 5 healer types to level 90. I currently have 5 level 90s and they are all able to do LFR of some kind and I worked a lot on enchanting/gemming their gear since I have so many spare gems lying around.

Speaking of which, I've been working on the Ore Shuffle. I currently have Mining, Herbalism, Alchemy (Transmutation), Jewelcrafting and Enchanting and not a lot of money. Now that the final tier is here (assuming no real 5.5 tier) my goal is to now make as much money as possible with what I have before the next expansion comes out. So I'm currently either farming or buying Ore, prospecting it into gems, using the uncommon gems to make jewelry and disenchant it into materials to make scrolls and cutting the Rare Gems into the most expensive gems and selling all of that.

I will also be finishing the Legendary Cloak on my main next week because I'm currently sitting at 11/12 Titan Runestones. I promise I will livestream completing it because it's important and I need to stop being a noob about not streaming. Which hasn't been happening again because I'm still watching others streamers old stream vods or Phantom of the Opera DvDs.

I got into the Hearthstone beta! A friend gave me a beta key and then the next day I got a key from Blizzard who I then gave to a friend. I've been playing it in the early morning when queues for dungeons are really really slow. I like it and have been playing the Druid/Priest decks a lot. I've never actually played a card game before and I find it really interesting. I wish I had streamed me opening it for the first time but I was so excited that I forgot.

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