Friday, August 16, 2013

Monday Morning Musings - Dragon Age 2 - Relationships of Dragon Age 2: Seas of Toxicity

Warning: This contains spoilers for the Dragon Age 2 story line. If you haven't finished the game (go do it it's awesome) then you may wish to stop reading.

Anyone who follows me on Twitter (@GGElaina) has noticed that the last week or so has been pretty much dedicated to Dragon Age 2. I first picked up Dragon Age in April but was unable to complete it because I skipped a lot of side-quests and was silly with my gearing so I wasn't able to actually complete the final event. I picked it up again to see if I could finish it this time and to also mess with modding. And something that was always a big part of the game for me (as it is with all Bioware games) was the relationships and I tried many different combinations during my two full game completions. Bioware has always been a company that is amazing at telling stories and making deeply compelling and flawed characters. And the possible relationships in Dragon Age 2 are no different.

Preface: My Hawke

I played through Dragon Age 2 from start to finish twice over the last week. And with most RPGs my character varied very little between both playthroughs, once my character is made in my mind she tends to stay that way. My Female Hawke was an Apostate Mage with a polite/compassionate disposition who favored freedom for all including mages but was heavily against blood magic and slavery. So my relationships with my companions were as follows:
  • Anders: Friend
  • Fenris: Rival
  • Sebastian: Friend
  • Merril: Rival
  • Isabella: Friend
  • Varric: Friend
  • Aveline: Friend
  • Carver: Rival (Templar/Dead)

My first playthrough my Hawke slept with Isabella, slept with Fenris (who left) and stayed in a relationship with Anders and my second playthrough she slept with Isabella, slept with Fenris who left and ended up alone (although I headcanon an ending beside Sebastian). So these are the relationships I will be touching on in this article. I have never fully completed a playthrough with a relationship with either Merril or Isabella so they may be a better partner for Hawke as a whole.

Anders – Selfish, Deceitful and Uncompromising

Anders' character introduction is one that is completely opposite of his true nature at the end of the game. He is seen as a cat loving healer who is risking his life to heal the poor refugees of Kirkwall. It is later revealed that he made a deal with a spirit of Justice who was corrupted by Anders' hatred for Templars and the oppression of mages. Anders openly flirts with Hawke whether or not you choose flirt options during conversation but pushes her away if she flirts back saying that he will break her heart.

After being in love with Hawke for nearly six years (and dating her for three) Anders asks Hawke to help him do something that involves deceiving the Grand Cleric. Any attempt to ask Anders what he plans to do is met with hostility and deception. He even prays on Hawkes love for him saying “if you love me, you will do this for me and not ask questions”. Anders' relationship with Hawke has suddenly become one that is extremely toxic for her as she is being pressured to do something that she doesn't want to do to please Anders. He claims on several occasions that he loves Hawke to other companions but everyone can see that he is planning something (Varric and Sebastian attempt to warn Hawke and Fenris threatens Anders' life if he hurts her).

We find out at the end of the game that his task for Hawke was to distract the Grand Cleric so he could plant a bomb to destroy the Chantry (the universes church) and kill all of the priests and the Grand Cleric while they were inside. Anders does this because he wants a war between the Templars and the Mages so that mages could be free of the tyranny of the Templar Order. The Chantry was the only hope of compromise and unification between the two sides and Anders destroyed it.

Anders uses Hawke's compassion and love to fuel his own needs whether she agrees with his choices or not. He does not give her a choice to side with him on the issue because he was afraid that she would not agree with him. Relationships where one party feels the need to lie is not a healthy relationship and the outcome is a very difficult choice for Hawke. In my Anders romance playthrough I sent him away forever leaving Hawke alone and heartbroken over the betrayal of her partner. Anders not only was a mass murderer but he made his love an unknowing accomplice and sparked a war that made her fight against friends and her own brother.

Fenris – Unwavering, Unsure and Abusive

Fenris is first introduced after he tricks Hawke into an miscalculated ambush and then silicates her help to clear out a mansion that could contain his old master. He is an escaped slave running from his blood magic wielding master who branded Lirium into his skin to give Fenris special powers so he could act as a powerful body guard. Growing up in a city where blood magic is commonplace gives him a hatred for magic and makes him strongly believe all mages should stay inside their Circles.

The Fenris and Apostate Mage Hawke is a very toxic relationship that isn't very good out of the gate. Fenris is very pron to outbursts if Hawke does not agree with him (specifically on Pro Mage fronts) and will storm off or yell at her when she attempts to explain her opinion. A relationship where one person cannot express their opinions for fear of their partner is not a good relationship to be in. Having a difference of opinions on a political issue is perfectly healthy if it can be discussed rationally and without either party feeling the need to threaten or insult their partner because they are frustrated.

Fenris will eventually sleep with Hawke but leave shortly after the encounter exclaiming that they were moving too fast and that he wasn't ready. There are many different theories as to what could have been going through his mind when this situation occurred. To me; Fenris is extremely selfish and cares little for Hawkes feelings in this instance. She just slept with someone she cared about and offered to help him through his ordeal but instead he ran off because he couldn't handle it. If he wasn't sure he was ready for a committed relationship (even without the extenuating circumstances of what happened while they had sex) he should have made it clear so as to not hurt her if she was looking for something more than just a fling. Fenris claims to have left Hawke because he was seeing his life before he was a slave while he was with her but this didn't stop him in the middle of sex. He wanted to be there for the pleasure but once that was over he was no longer sure about staying.

My playthrough was probably extremely unique because after he left I was not able to romance him back. I kept him in my party throughout the entirety of the game and was never able to completely max out his Rival points because of my distaste for Blood Magic (which gave him mixed Friend/Rival points) and so when the final battle came he did not side with Hawke and fought with Meredith on the battlefield. This also showed to me the fact that Fenris is not loyal to Hawke even after everything that she did for him (including helping him track down and kill the master who had been hunting him for more than ten years). Having an opinion of his own is justified since it contradicted what Hawke believed but he says something right before their fight. “I should have never let you get so close. Primary rule of survival.” This shows that Fenris truly only cared about himself and would rather kill his close friend (and ex-lover) than stand beside her. Hawke was forced to kill Fenris and be left alone after the fight with Meredith.

Sebastian – Compassionate, Religious and Pressuring

Sebastian is also introduced in a way that really doesn't depict his character much at all. He is seen posting a notice on a bounty board to hire mercenaries to clear out a gang who killed his family. After Hawke takes care of them it is discovered that he is in fact a prince who recently lost his family to a coupe for their throne and he is the only surviving member. He is a Chantry boy who is extremely religious and has been a priest for over 10 years.

Sebastian is personally my favorite male companion in the entire game. He is extremely religious and strong in his faith but he does not use it to pressure people. He does not judge others for the way that they live their lives nor does he preach at them if they do not believe. He instead allows them to come to conclusions of their own but is also able to give calm and peaceful discussions if asked. Many accuse him of being ready to scowl and preach at them but are surprised when he does not.

He also one of the few companions that actually seem to care about Hawke's well being above their own (Varric being the only other consistent one). Whether you side with his decision to stay with the Chantry or pressure him into taking back his home and becoming King he sticks to what he believes in but values Hawkes friendship above all else and promises to stay beside her. He even attempts to warn her about Anders (telling her he is selfish and will never put her above his own needs) without ulterior motives (Anders will do the same with Fenris but he does this because he wants Hawke to be with him instead) and is truly looking out for Hawke when no one else (besides Varric) will.

However, Sebastian also has a deep character flaw of peer pressuring Hawke in the final Act to do what he thinks is best. After Anders murders the Grand Cleric (his guide and mentor) and destroys the place he has called home for the past thirteen years he calls for Anders death. If Hawke chooses to let Anders go Sebastian will threaten to return to Starkhaven, gather an army and come back to destroy all of Kirkwall to get to Anders. He does not even offer to kill Anders himself, he makes Hawke personally kill a friend or a lover to prevent a war that would slaughter thousands of innocent citizens inside of the city. Whether he would have actually done so is unknown but that is the ultimatum that he gives Hawke. This shows that Sebastian is not above being selfish and using his authority to get what he wants and pressure others into siding with him by giving them un-winnable scenarios in times of crisis.

His saving grace is that if Hawke chooses to kill Anders he will side with her no matter which side of the war she chooses to fight on. At the end of the game before the final battle, he expresses his love for her (not outright but it is thinly veiled) and wishes that things were different so that he could be with her. Out of all of the companions in the game, in my opinion, Sebastian would have been the healthiest relationship for Hawke to be in but it is ironically one of the few she cannot have (I do not count the chaste marriage as a relationship and neither does the game achievements).

Bioware has always made games that get people thinking about complicated issues in the form of Role Playing. The tones and themes of their games (Geth v Quarians in Mass Effect, Mages v Templars and Racism against Elves in Dragon Age) are extremely powerful and their characters are built with such depth that they are able to live on forever. Dragon Age is one of those games where there really is no happy ending for the hero. You defeat the big bad at the end but are left with the heartache of death, destruction and lose of loves or loves never loved at all. Games that make you think beyond the final credits are games that will last throughout the generations.

- - Mod Links - -

Hawke Armor Mod - SilverX10
Hawke Hair Mod - SG's Beauty Shop
Eye Color Enhancement Mod - Bidelles Cosmetics II with Eyes
Fenris' Black Coat Mod - Fenris as Dante

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