Saturday, August 24, 2013

Monday Morning Musings - General MMO - The Companion System: A Unique Leveling Experience Other Games Should Adopt

(Author's Note: Sorry for the one day delay, I got sucked into SWTOR and couldn't get out.)

Leveling – The Bane of Healers everywhere. It is the time of the gaming cycle, whether it be launching the game for the first time or an expansions launch night, where we have to run back to our class trainers and respec into a Tank or DPS specialization so that we can get back to max level. Personally, I hate DPSing in general and will always be a healer main spec in all games that I've played. So being forced to choose between going DPS spec so I can experience the new questing content or having to grind the same PvE/PvP instances one hundred times just so that I can stay in my healing spec.

When people talk about Star Wars: The Old Republic's unique leveling experience the thing people most talk about is the voice over questing, the class specific story lines and the Roleplay quality to tailor your character to how you wanted to play. But when I think about SWTOR's unique leveling content the first thing that comes to mind is the companion system. SWTOR was the first game that I played that had a companion system where you had a secondary AI that could do a range of tasks from the traditional triad system.

The companion system was one that added an extra layer to the leveling experience that is overshadowed but to me one of the most important features in the game especially since the game did not launch (and still doesn't support) a dual spec feature. Having to respec from Healing to DPS every time I wanted to do a dungeon or wanted to do Dailies at max level content would have definitely been an issue that could not be over looked. Having the companions however made it possible to level up in a healing spec from level 10 until level 55.

Healing is truly the only spec that has a difficult time leveling in the spec through questing content that it is nearly impossible to do solo which is what questing content primarily is. It is also one of the roles that is the most difficult to learn to do in a brand new game and having to read all your abilities at once and figure out how to use them properly in an environment where people are quick to blame the healer on wipes is extremely discouraging. The companion system allows someone to level as a healer, which gives them the same luxury of gaining their skills at a slow pace and even gaining experience in high pressure situations such as accidentally pulling too many mobs and needing to keep something that may not be quite that geared alive.

When I play through Healing characters in SWTOR I tended to pick whoever my romanced companion was (because I'm a big ol' softy) which was generally a DPS of some kind and I would heal them while they killed people. Neverwinter is the most recent game in memory that also had a companion system that was a lot simpler than SWTOR's system but kept the same principle. You could pick one that performed a role for you which allowed you to heal your way through leveling (and tank, since Neverwinter's threat system was broken and Cleric's had to kite while healing because we generated more threat than tanks did in end game content but we won't mention this).

Allowing players to level in the specialization that they truly want to play end game content with will not only make players want to level and keep them interested in the game longer but will also increase success in PvE/PvP end game content as the backbones of the group will have hours of experience that they wouldn't have had in other games playing their specialization.

I'm truly hoping that more games begin to adopt the companion system into their games as they develop to make their questing experiences much more dynamic and set themselves apart from the World of Warcraft model of questing that has been a bane on the community for nearly a decade. As a main spec healer in nearly every game that I play any reason to not play as a DPS through half of the content is always something that keeps me subbed longer and generally a lot happier to go and do my dailies or level up a new character.

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